About plant structure for public green spaces www.georgofili.info

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About plant structure for public green spaces www.georgofili.info

Plants for public green spaces must be beautiful, suitable for their function, and able to support the hardships of the street. For this reason, and to reduce the time otherwise needed for the town comfort, they must be sufficiently large and the roots must be prepared to stand up to the transplant and provide for the vegetative needs that often have to take place between extremes of light and heat. The main difficulties turn up when the plants, alone on the arid, burning asphalt, must form a crown that is protective from extremes. But all this can only happen if the rootage has received the necessary preparation, and if the roots will be properly managed in the new home.

Nursery technique talks about transplants carried out in nurseries, during the plant’s early development phases. They are difficult and expensive operations that must be carried out with precision and at the right times. They serve to separate and to facilitate arrangement of the roots in a limited amount of earth. Each company has its own area of expertise that is relatively efficient and inexpensive. However, buyers unfortunately know very little about the completion of this operation. They must trust the firm’s professionalism, better if they visit nurseries first to have an idea. Anyway, this is the classical way of growing in an open field, in fertile, deep and well-drained soil, with scheduled transplants according to the time and ways best suited to each single species. It is fundamental that this precision be applied to the various operations.
Miro Mati