Cooperation GreenQ and Sweet Pepper Consultancy

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Cooperation GreenQ and Sweet Pepper Consultancy

This year, GreenQ Horticultural Expertise Group in Bleiswijk (Netherlands) and Sweet Pepper Consultancy B.V. have started a joint study, aimed at quality improvement and energy saving in paprika cultivation. Both specialists have stated that they wish to further extend this cooperation in the future. Suppliers Ludvig Svensson and Cultilene are also involved in this study, which is taking place at the GreenQ Improvement Centre.

The study is based on the 'Samenwerken aan Vaardigheden' (= Cooperation for acquiring skills) project, an initiative of Improvement Centre, Wageningen UR, Priva, Wilk van der Sande and TNO, with the objective to apply sustainable technologies in horticulture. The study uses XLS 20F Harmony Revolux screen, particularly suitable for solar reflection in summer and XLS 10 H2No Revolux, an energy screen with an anti-condensation coating. The study also uses the Optimat stone wool slab and the dryer Reaxion slab.
The research room includes two heating systems that can be individually controlled. This enables better energy input at exactly the right place in the crop and allows energy saving without losing speed, thus ensuring earliness. The study also focuses on variations in stem density and in all aspects, keeps a close eye on cost, plant costs and labour. 

GreenQ Horticultural Expertise Group targets the horticulture industry with specific knowledge of the cultivation process, improving the productivity and quality of culture grown under glass and resulting in a higher yield. For the last 10 years, Geert Sweere of Sweet Pepper Consultancy B.V. has been fully dedicated to cultivation of paprikas. For more information, please contact GreenQ in Bleiswijk on phone number +31(0)10 - 522 1771.

Aad v/d Berg
Phone: +31 (0)10 - 522 1771
Violierenweg 3
2665 MV Bleiswijk
Postbus 4
2665 ZG  Bleiswijk
The Netherlands
Marc Grootscholten of GreenQ Improvement Centre and Geert Sweere of Sweet Pepper Consultancy B.V.