Begonia Million Kisses™ Honeymoon ‘Yamoon’

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Begonia Million Kisses™ Honeymoon ‘Yamoon’
The first yellow-flowered Begonia boliviensis joins Million Kisses™ series and was introduced by Graines Voltz at the Salon du Végétal 2011. The flowers are trumpet shaped with yellow on the upper side of petals and light apricot on the underside. The variety is easy to look after and is said to be hardy in the majority of conditions. Plants continue to flower from April through to the first frosts without interruption. They have a compact, well-branched shape that requires no growth regulator. Plants produce light green laceolate leaves and grow to a height of about 25-30 cm. It is considered an deal variety for large pots and hanging baskets. The variety will grow in most conditions of sunlight but soil or substrate should not be allowed to dry out. Further information: Mlle Julie Mayeur, Fax: 0033 241545725, E-mail: