Selecta Kenya receives MPS GAP und MPS Socially Qualified certification

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Selecta Kenya receives MPS GAP und MPS Socially Qualified certification
After the successful MPS-A certification earlier this year, Selecta Kenya now achieves MPS GAP and MPS Socially Qualified certification. The Selecta mother plant location Wagagai in Uganda is also fully MPS certified with MPS A, MPS GAP and Socially Qualified. 
Both of Selecta’s Southern production sites are now successfully certified with MPS A, the highest environmental certification, and MPS GAP and MPS Socially Qualified for a sustainable and socially responsible production of horticulture products. In the section “bedding plants parental material” the two Selecta farms are the only production sites in their countries to achieve all three MPS certifications. Hence, Selecta young plants are an excellent starting point for every producer. 
The mother plants farm Selecta Kenya was founded in 1999 as Kenya Plant Production. 130 m cuttings are produced on 20 hectares every year. Main products are Pelargonium and pot carnations as well as perennials and grasses. 
Selecta Kenya is working environmentally friendly in particular. The focus is placed wholly on integrated pest management, especially biological pest management and extensive monitoring - leading to a considerable reduced use of pesticides. Environment and employees are protected. All employees are extensively trained in hygiene standards which reduces the danger of transmission of diseases by humans. 
At the peak of the main season approx. 1000 people work at the farm.  Selecta Kenya voluntarily offers food and a farm clinic to their staff. Every employee gets a meal for free every day. A doctor and a nurse are present to treat minor injuries and illnesses. Health programmes, like trainings on dealing with HIV or family planning are provided for the people. 
Many employees have been working with Selecta Kenya for many years. The excellent partnership can be seen in many shared leisure time activities. Selecta Kenya has its own football team, a dancing group and a choir, where the employees spend their time together beyond working hours. 
Selecta is a third generation family owned group of companies active in the field of breeding, propagation and distribution of vegetative propagated ornamental plants. The company is especially known for its innovative and high-quality breeding in Poinsettia, Pelargonium, Osteospermum, Calibrachoa and Carnation amongst others. The company’s headquarter is in Stuttgart, Germany with subsidiaries in Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Kenya, Uganda, Columbia and Japan.
Stuttgart, November 14, 2014